WordPress Tips

I’ll keep adding information on this page about different topics and articles some may find of use..

Sharing to Facebook

  1. Have an image in your chosen article of a wordpress.com’ suggested size etc. << At the link you’ll find more information on how wordpress.com ‘selects’ the picture…

    “A wrong image is used, what do I do?

    Even though we make a best effort to tell Facebook what images are associated with a post, their systems also analyze the page/post and choose what they think is the best representation. By following the guidelines about image size and aspect ratio outlined in this document, chances are better that the image that you would like to be associated with your blog post’s share is the one that Facebook selects”.

    Hope this helps, there is more info at the link above.

  2. Facebook recommend images at the following size:

    600 x 315 pixels to 1200 x 630 pixels

    More info here at the Facebook Developer Page

Inserting an image in the Sidebar

Now this I know is sure to work, to Insert an Image in the sidebar, has always been relegated into the ‘I’ll get around to it, sometime’ basket.  As you’ll see it is so very simple when you get clear and concise  instructions..

Zandyring is one helpful staff member in the forums.. I am the sort of person who rather than ‘reading’ too much. I would work through the ‘trial and error’ method, if it didn’t work then I’d leave it totally alone, for some other time. Just under a year on that is not going perfectly in some areas..  So with this information at hand, I’ll go about inserting that image, cheers!  I hope it helps others as well.

Key Master
Jan 10, 2013, 7:30 AM

So, this is a great question!

To find the file URL for your image, open the image in your media gallery:

Now, look on the right side of the screen – see the module that says “Save”?

The file URL is included there…  ( click for the full thread in the Forum )

I hope that helps!    zandyring

A great story by Tom Ewer: Of ManageWP

It’s been a big year for the ManageWP blog. What started out as a way for us to keep you updated with new ManageWP features back in mid-2011 has since grown into a top multi-author resource for WordPress users.

Since starting in this role back in November 2011 I have been delighted to see how far the blog has come and have high hopes for 2013. But before we see the year off, why don’t we take a look back at some of the best content of 2012?

If you’re a WordPress enthusiast (and if you’re not, why are you here? ;-) ) you’re in for a treat!

The Best WordPress Posts From ManageWP in 2012

We have published literally hundreds of WordPress posts this year covering just about every conceivable topic. These days we focus on blogging in general and productivity as well as WordPress tips and tricks, but in this post I’d like to take this opportunity to feature some of our best WordPress-specific content of the year.

I can’t of course include everything here so consider below my own personal pick — some of the best resources for WordPress users. Top tips and tricks, invaluable plugins, and great themes.

Sasha / afreestyler: Now.. (26 Dec 2012) I didn’t actually read any more of Cheri Lucas’ story, (below) since posting this article! It was a concise piece from her.  Certainly started using Galleries though..
it is a simple process..
check out my Aurora Story! (apanache)
Sasha / afreestyler: While Galleries can be cool.. more awkward though if you want to set up your own links..
Also; when I first went to re~blog Cheri’s article (seen below) It also added an entire gallery.. which I didn’t want AND replaced ALL my thumbnail pics on My Sidebars ‘Most Popular Pages and Posts’ so I deleted the ‘reblog’ and did the posting this way!
Have fun Bloggers! (apanache)


Sasha / afreestyler December 12th, 2012.
Just loved this posting by Cheri Lucas.. did not know Pictures in Gallery mode also permitted the use of ’round’ shapes! Have never used galleries, only Slideshow’s ~ which I like! So since I do not want to ‘lose’ this information on the ‘cyber~space’ freeway or highway.. lol Have decided to reblog, something I have done all of ‘once’ since joining WordPress! Enjoy!

Sasha ~ Apanache



From Cheri Lucas

“We recently announced changes to the Media Manager, which is designed to make it easier to upload images, audio, and video files to your site and edit their attributes.”

Galleries and the Carousel

“We highly encourage you to display your images in a gallery. Our different gallery styles showcase your collections of images professionally, and when you click on an image in a gallery, you can view its larger size in a full-size carousel.”

Read more… 461 more words

Weekly Writing Challenge

by Krista on December 24, 2012

For some of us, blogging is personal. Others are trying to educate or entertain; many more are hybrids. Yet we’re all storytellers. Writing Challenges help you to push your writing boundaries, show off your blogging chops, and, hopefully, spark more post ideas.To participate, tag your post with DP challenge or leave a link to it in the comments. (It would also be great if you could link to this post to encourage people to take part – the more the merrier!)  Your post should be specifically written in response to this challenge. We’ll keep an eye on the tag and highlight some of our favorite posts on Freshly Pressed on Friday.
You’ve got your WordPress.com site and have been lurking here at The Daily Post reading articles, considering the writing and photo challenges. Maybe you’ve been thinking about responding to a Daily Prompt, though perhaps you haven’t been able to fully commit to posting on your site. Reasons to procrastinate proliferate like fruit flies in that pop can you left out on the counter overnight. “I’m too tired!” “I have nothing to say!” and the penultimate excuse, “I have no time!” Well, since we’ve all survived the Mayan Apocalypse, we’ve all got time, and now you can devote some of that time to blogging each day for a whole week. Let’s talk about how.Jack Cheng is a writer, designer, and entrepreneur from Brooklyn, New York. In his post, 30 Minutes a Day, Jack contends that when trying to learn a new skill, it’s frequency over quantity that matters most:

When trying to develop a new skill, the important thing isn’t how much you do; it’s how often you do it.

Jack advocates building a daily practice. He relates a story about Jerry Seinfeld, and the simple method Jerry uses to avoid procrastination and spend time each day, working on his craft — writing jokes:

When software developer Brad Isaac asked Jerry Seinfeld, who in those days was still a touring comic, what his secret was, he advised Isaac to pick up one of those wall calendars that had the entire year on a single page. To Seinfeld, becoming a better comedian meant writing every day, so each day Jerry worked on his writing, he would put a big red X in the box for that day. Pretty soon, there’d be a chain of red Xs and not breaking the chain became its own motivation.

You might be writing jokes on your blog, or it could be poems, personal reflections, short stories, memoirs, and / or posting photos. Jack suggests that you can achieve any goal you choose if you can devote just 30 minutes a day to it. Is 30 minutes too long, what with child, work, and family commitments? Start with 15 minutes, or even ten minutes. With the new year upon us in a week, now’s the time to resolve to work on your blog and then actually do it!

Your challenge: post every day for a full week. We’re excited to see what you’ll post about — be sure to tag your post DPchallenge so that we can follow your progress. Feeling extra saucy? Write about your experiences overcoming procrastination. The tip or trick that inspired you to consistency might be just the thing to spur a fellow blogger to blow the dust off their blog and get to work.

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